Gardening for Growth and Learning – Camden Garden Club Winter Horticulture Series

Do you ever wonder why gardeners are always seeking new knowledge?  Why they gather together in clubs, community gardens and classes, and travel to presentations and botanical destinations?  Why do gardeners volunteer in schools and parks, and on their winter down time, pour over books, blogs and catalogs?  This phenomenon and the many ways we continuously learn was explored at the February 20 session of the Winter Horticulture Series presented by Camden Garden Club in the Picker Room at Camden Public Library.

Presenter Liz Stanley works for the University of Maine Cooperative Extension and supports home and school gardeners in Knox, Lincoln and Waldo Counties.  She also works for Lee Schneller Fine Gardens and grows trees, shrubs, fields, flowers and vegetables with her family on Crawford Pond in Warren.

Camden Garden Club is a member of the Garden Club Federation of Maine and National Garden Clubs, Inc.  Guests and prospective members are always welcome.  For more information about the club and its activities visit  The weekly Winter Horticulture Series is free and open to the public and will continue on Tuesdays throughout February.