
We would love to welcome you as a member of our Garden Club. We provide education, resources and networking opportunities for our members to promote the love of gardening and civic and environmental responsibility. We have pledged to protect and conserve the natural resources of the planet Earth and promise to promote education so its members may become caretakers of our air, water, forest, land and wildlife.

The Benefits of Belonging to the Camden Garden Club

The rewards of joining us goes far beyond the pleasures of growing things.  Membership opens the door for you to explore a wide range of common interests with people around your local community:

  • Grow your knowledge via educational programs and activity opportunities.

  • Garden for a purpose with community service projects.

  • Participate in the state garden clubs network for learning, service and community-building.

  • Learn to make the most of resources, including your available garden space.

  • Enhance your garden's sustainability and reduce maintenance by planting "native" rain gardens and saving water.

  • Learn from those with experience and pass along your own passion and know-how to new generations of gardeners.

  • Share your love of gardening and have fun!

  • Working together, members make the Club a fun and successful non-profit organization that contributes to the community.

Membership Activities:

  • Horticultural Lecture Series held in January and February

  • Membership Meetings from April to October

  • Annual Plant Sale at May Meeting

  • New Members Coffee in June

  • Annual Garden Tour the third Thursday in July

  • Annual Luncheon in August

  • “Trowel & Growl” Q&As at various member's gardens

  • Christmas Wreath Making October and November

Annual Projects:

  • Maintain the seasonal plants and flowers in the downtown area of Camden including the Village Green, Chamber of Commerce flower bed, traffic islands near the library and the hanging baskets on the downtown street light poles.

  • Responsible for planting the flower boxes at the Camden-Rockport Archway.

  • Partner in Camden's “Shade Tree” planting program.

  • Offer scholarship assistance to students pursuing studies in related natural sciences fields of study.

  • Provide donations to the library for books and videotapes on gardening and related topics.

  • Provide lighted wreaths on the downtown street lamppoles during the holiday season.

  • Upkeep of the Blue Star Memorial Markers.

Membership Interest Form

Reach out to us to learn how to join.