Winter Horticulture Series – The Writer in the Garden

Join the Camden Garden Club on Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. at the Camden Library.  The speaker this week is Anne E. Perkins  who has been gardening since the age of four. Currently, she grows a huge variety of vegetables, herbs, fruits and flowers at Headacre Farm in Owls Head and at her home in Thomaston. She has been selling her produce to local restaurants, including Café Miranda in Rockland, at the Oceanview Grange Farmer’s Market in Martinsville, her CSA, and to private customers and friends since 2010.

Perkins is also a collector of books on gardens and gardening and she will share her passion with the audience on Tuesday, February 21 at 10:00 a.m. as part of the Camden Garden Club Winter Horticulture Series at Camden Public Library. She will discuss the classics of garden literature from the Romans to the present, what makes these books and authors special, and which have influenced her and others in her talk entitled: The Writer in the Garden. The program is free and open to the public.New members are always welcome!

Camden Garden Club is a member of the Garden Club Federation of Maine and National Garden Clubs, Inc.