Garden Club History Book Wins Award

At the 2016 Garden Club Federation of Maine Convention held recently in Bar Harbor, the Camden Garden Club was awarded the first place certificate of merit from National Garden Clubs, Inc. for their publication All Those Flowers – 100 Years of the Camden Garden Club.

The book, which follows the history of the club from 1915 to 2015, was originally conceptualized in 2012 as a group project which would celebrate and commemorate the approaching centennial birthday. Over a period of three years the club’s archives were examined, interviews were conducted, photographs were obtained, dates were verified and information was compiled. A number of individuals volunteered to write articles about specific programs or achievements as their contribution.

Once all the material had been collected, a small, dedicated team began the arduous task of putting it together. Then, working with an online publisher, they accomplished what they set out to do and their book, All Those Flowers, debuted at the club’s annual luncheon in June of 2015 – their centennial year.

A photograph of the garden at Briney Breezes in Camden appears on the book’s cover (inset) and homeowner Judy Wolf graciously agreed to welcome back Elizabeth Moran, centennial year President, Maureen O’Donnell, editor, Judy McGuirk, archivist and Stephanie Mathews, technical support, to celebrate.